Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Stay away showers, we just want May flowers....May Week 1

The torrential rains in the forecast held out and we were spared from the crazy weather that ripped through the South this week. The asparagus has grown to over six feet tall in one week! It has literally grown feet over night. The kale, collards, lettuce, Swiss chard and beet transplants started in the greenhouse were established in the lower field. The strawberries are making a full appearance and some berries will be ready this upcoming week. Today, we put row cover over the quickly ripening strawberries to protect our crop from hungry birds. We also planted three varieties of potatoes and set up sprinklers and drip tape around the property. Morgan direct seeded another wave of carrots, beets and lettuce. He is seeding lettuce every two weeks to create a constant lettuce supply this season.

This week we went to our first farmer's market. We are very excited to be permanent vendors for the Madison County Farmers & Artisuns Market at Mars Hill University every Saturday from 9am-1pm.
This week we brought microgreens, wild onions, fresh herbs, flowers and plant starts. You can also enjoy Root Bottom Farm produce at the West Asheville Tailgate Market on Haywood Rd every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30pm.

On the flower side of things, Kathleen started her first “Flower Thursdays” where she works a half day every Thursday helping me with planning, building and planting perennial flowers. This week we drew out all of the gardens on graph paper (1'=1 square) in preparation for the final flower count to be seeded next week. I have designed warm gardens (reds, yellows, oranges) and cool gardens (purples, blues, whites), a wild flower garden and a garden inspired by my friend, Jen, that will have only have white varieties of flowers. I have repaired old existing beds to create better flow around the cabin and intern house. We are also creating new beds that take out difficult areas I hate to mow. Any thing to reduce my two hours of mowing a week is fine with me!

 First market of the season. We are at Mars Hill University every Saturday from 9am-1pm. 
You can also come see us in West Asheville every Tuesday from 3:30-6:30
 5' intern and the magic growing asparagus
 Moving "Yuns" and her chicken tractor for the day
 Transplants in the greenhouse waiting to be planted in the field
 At the beginning of the week they were green, one week later we have red ones.
 Morgan and the microgreens.
 Morning meeting in the barn.
 Rosa likes to help weed the raspberries.
 Wild onion harvest
 Spreading compost for the transplants in the lower field
 Kale yeah!
 Lettuce transplants

 My Mason jar pick of the week. Wildflowers, tulips and daffodils.
 Supplies for the new greenhouse
     Melons, squash, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are in line next to be transplanted.
Spreading compost for the early morning potato planting
 Laying them out

Blue Adirondack
Lower strawberry bed is covered. We don't want to share our fruit with those hungry birds!