Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Time continues to fly : Last two weeks in photos

Blink and two weeks have flown by! Life continues to be busy on the farm with prepping fields, weeding, transplanting and keeping up with the strawberries. We are picking every 2-3 days and getting 10+ lbs every time. Next year we will have twice as many! We are doing two markets a week, restaurant deliveries and have 13 people on our ESA (e-mail supported agriculture) weekly delivery. Everything is growing and looking good. At market, we have been bringing microgreens, strawberries, herbs and flowers. We are just starting to have lettuce, garlic scapes and Asian greens. We are just on the precipice of everything blowing up and the produce flowing in. This coming week we will have the annual vegetable and flower fields transplanted and planted from the last of the greenhouse starts. Squash, cucumbers and eggplants are in the ground. Tomatoes are in the greenhouse and the blackberries are blooming. The farm is vibrating with life and the promise of great harvests to come.

 Blackberries and asparagus in the lower field.
 An old table, white board and tub has(found on the property years ago) has transformed our work station in the barn. Storage underneath is also crucial.
 Annual veggie field is tilled again.
 Second chamomile harvest for the season.
 Prepping the greenhouse for cucumbers and eggplant transplants
 Annual Flowers and Vegetables waiting for transplant
 Morning strawberry harvest under row cover
 One of the first big strawberry harvests for market
 Microgreen harvest
 Mason jar of the week Red hot pokers, irises, wild daisies, wildflowers and weeds
 Greenhouse #1 is planted
 Greenhouse #2 getting its plastic put on

 Transplanting winter squash

 Finished fire pit made of creek rock
 Yuns is definitely a girl....#eggaday
 Asian Greens
 Basil starts
 Greenhouse is filling up...
 Annual flowers
 Stoked about the rock work I uncovered
 Lettuce in the lower field
 Lil' Joe Briggs the lower field scarecrow
 weeding the lower field
 #tinyhouse and irises
 Weeding beets
 Wild daisy bouquet
 Morning strawberry harvest
 We sold out at the market....
 This weeks Mason Jar picks 
 Perennial flowers
 New farm friend. Eat those moles!
 Thinning carrots in the lower field
 Aesa, guardian of the porch
Double Decker microgreens