Monday, June 2, 2014

Planting, transplanting and growing, growing, growing.

Root Bottom Farm is exploding with life. All the signs are here for a great Summer of producing delicious food for restaurants, two farmer's markets and many friends. We feel lucky every day to be able to live this dream in this beautiful place and see our labor of love grow around us. Love life.

We are very excited to announce that we will be a part of ASAP's Fall Farm Tour and will keep everyone updated about this great upcoming event!

The annual flowers and almost all of the veggie transplants are in the ground. Both greenhouses are planted with greenhouse #1 full of tomatoes and greenhouse #2 filled with eggplants, peppers and cucumbers. Garlic scapes are curling and the garlic harvest is soon on the horizon. The red hot pokers have exploded all over the yard (a month later than last year). The blackberries are flowering and the blue berries have their first green fruit of the season. The strawberries are slowing down and their fruit has been more than amazing. We are looking forward to all the sweet berries coming soon.
I found this just laying on top of the ground in the garlic. Amazing. My mind wanders to times passed and how this land has seen so many things come and go.
Three weeks difference. Greenhouse #2. 
 Yuns turned out to definitely be a girl. She moved to a neighbor's house with 13 other hen friends. She came a long way from the injured bird we met a few weeks ago.
 Greenhouse #1.
 Red hot pokers at full bloom.
 Garlic and storm clouds
Drip tape is awesome.
 Currently blooming. Echinacea, blueberries and blackberries.
 Our farm is nestled just about a mile in the distance.

 Needed somewhere to plant the giant we put it in the compost bin. We lost them last year to the rain. Let's see if we get that 100 lb fruit the package promised!

I have never found an arrow head. I found the large one in the garlic and the next day I found these two in the annual field.
 Always happy to have company around the fire.
 Planting the first wave of annual flowers
 The first flower from my wildflower garden
 Green. All day. Every day. Fertilizing the garlic.
Garlic test and the first peas.
Thai Fire and Chinese Purple test. Looking good.
 Garlic scapes
Fertilizing the last few beds in the annual bed