Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Many hands make great food.

There is so much food coming out of the ground on Root Bottom Farm right now. It is always a humbling experience to see the full process of seed to harvest and the rewards of so much hard work. Blackberries, carrots, beets, kale, collards, lettuce, basil, microgreens, cucumbers, eggplant and flowers are on our tables. And the garlic crop is almost all trimmed and dried. 

We are almost done putting in the Fall garden and soon we will only have to weed and harvest for the rest of the season...until it is time to plant garlic in October. On the flower side of things, I finished building two large perennial beds and got over 50 varieties of flower starts in the ground. A sixth month project of dreaming, designing and digging was overwhelming at first, but will give us colorful joy for years to come.

So many great hands help share this labor of love. This week, I wanted to introduce some of the fine folks who help us out each week. Root Bottom Farm appreciates you all! We couldn't have the amazing farm we have without all the great people here to help. Let the good food flow. LOVE LIFE.

Our awesome intern, Kathleen, works Tuesday-Friday and is becoming a Jane of many trades.
 Monday helpers, Lisa & Justin, start the harvest and help with projects.
Thursday helpers, Justin & Jenny (not pictured) help with projects around the farm.
Friday, Taylor joins the crew for a busy harvest day for a farmer's market, restaurant & ESA deliveries.
And this week, both our Moms were in town! Not at the same time, but both got to help with a busy harvest day and project days. We feel very lucky to have them visit and experience how we live here on the farm.

 And we even got off the farm for a few hikes.
Blackberries are blowing up.
 Tomorrow is a new day. Make some juice. Farmers always get the leftovers :)
Garlic is trimmed and organized by variety.
 Tomatoes are standing tall and will be ready really soon.
 Upper annual field.
 It is hard to believe that we are almost done planting the Fall garden...
Winter squash, basil, shiso and more carrots & beets are in. We will also plant collards, kale, broccoli, peas, chard, and lettuce.
The carrots have begun and will continue until the farm sleeps in late Fall.
 Other end of the upper annual field shows cucumbers, corn, flowers and shiso.
 The raspberries and blueberries are on the way out, but blackberries are in full force.
Root Bottom Farm loves beets.
 Large perennial gardens next to the cabin with new drain ditches, found bricks and gravel paths.
 Burning holes in the fabric in preparation for plantings.
 Flagging out the other two large gardens.
 Tiger lilies are one of my favorites.