Monday, September 1, 2014

Taste the rainbow. July was beautiful, busy & bountiful.

Colorful harvest heading to market.
100 % ours. Fingerling potatoes, glazed carrots, giant beet, shredded cucumber and sunflower microgreens.
Cherry tomatoes.
 Blackberries continue to be a great crop.
Swiss chard and morning light.
Tomatoes have just started
 Picking Beans
 I don't know why, but I love diggin' taters.
Harvest schedule in the barn
Winter squash makes its first appearance. Acorn, Delicata and Carnival Acorn.
 Carrot love.
 Market bouquets
Making calendula oil
 ALWAYS great to have family visit the farm. 
We love my Jones cousins & family from Massachusetts.
Find your inner pumpkin.
 Young Fall garden.
 Upper Annual Field
Aesa doing her part around the farm and leaving us her recent catch.
 Finished a landscaping project around the guest house.
 Rounded out the design and mulched. Next year I will plant flowers.
 ALL our groceries for the week. Eat. Love. Live. Local.